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Green Valley

Solid Performance

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Wow! For almost eight years, 31.42% return per year 

Pavaki's broker, Interactive Brokers, generated Portfolio Analyst reports that showed Sahdev and Pavaki’s cumulative returns over a period of time. 

  • Sahdev LLC generated substantial returns of 455.47% from February 24, 2016, to December 28, 2020

  • Pavaki Capital Partner LP achieved a solid 53.7% return from December 28, 2020, to December 29, 2023

  • Therefore, the combined investment, starting on 24th February 2016 and culminating on 29th December 2023, resulted in a remarkable 31.42% annual return.


Breakdown of the calculations, giving an example of investing $1 to begin with:

  • To simplify, we assume that $1 was invested in Sahdev LLC on 24 February 2016.  By 28th December 2020, the value of the investment grew to $5.5547. 

  • We transferred the entire portfolio of Sahdev LLC, worth $5.5547, to Pavaki Capital Partners LP; the investment grew further to $8.5376 by 29th December 2023.


Employing the compounding formula 

A = P*(1+r)^n, 


A = 8.5376 (Final Value)

P = 1 (Initial Investment)

n = 7.849 years (24 Feb 2016 to 29 Dec 2023)

Solving for r (annual return), the formula yields a remarkable 31.42% per annum.


Wow, we generated returns of 31.42% per year for about eight years.

line graph since inception Dec 2023.png
Cumulative return (2).png
Since Inception Cumulative return (1).png
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Roth IRA account 2023 copy.jpg

I downloaded performance reports from my broker’s website, Interactive Brokers, which has PortfolioAnalyst section that provides data and insights on the portfolio. 

Alpha Performance Verification Services opined on Interactive Brokers’ PortfolioAnalyst: PortfolioAnalyst software calculated both Time-Weighted Return and Money-Weighted Return net account performance in accordance with the Global Investment Performance calculation methodologies.


  1. The performance data represents past performance. 

  2. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

  3. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data presented. 

  4. The performance does not reflect the deduction of fees and expenses (except for transaction related costs) and that if such fees and expenses had been deducted, performance may be lower than presented.

  5. The performance of the private fund may not be directly comparable to the performance of other funds.

  6. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product made reference to directly or indirectly herein, will be profitable, equal any corresponding indicated historical performance level(s), or be suitable for a particular investor. 

  7. To obtain current performance data please email to

  8. The private fund is not required by law to follow any standard methodology when calculating and representing performance data.

  9. Investment may involve risk and may result in significant losses.

  10. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Pavaki Capital Partners LP before investing. The prospectus for the Fund contains this and other information about the Fund and can be obtained by emailing The prospectus should be read carefully before investing in the Fund. Investments in the Fund are not bank deposits (and thus not insured by the FDIC or by any other federal governmental agency) and are not guaranteed by Pavaki Capital Partners LP or any other party.

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