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Green Valley

Sharing Gains Fairly

When You Make Money, We Get Paid!

  • We earn a performance fee when we generate a positive return. So, we strive to earn substantial absolute returns.​


  • The more money you make, the more compensation we receive. We align our interests with yours.

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You Keep 80% Of The Profit

  • In the 16th century, medieval traders from Italian city-states collected 20% of the profit generated by the cargo they “carried”, twenty percent for their efforts and risks. 

  • Private equity, hedge funds, and others charge 20% or more. 

  • You, as the investor, keep 80% of the profit. Most people do not mind sharing the profit if the other party generated the profit. 

We Are On The Same Boat

I do not guarantee results but I guarantee you that I float or sink with you as I have invested the majority of my savings in Pavaki. When Pavaki generates extraordinary returns, I float on cloud nine. No wonder I will try to maximize returns.

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